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The Importance of Written Contracts: Why Business Owners Should Always Use Written Agreements

The Importance of Written Contracts: Why Business Owners Should Always Use Written Agreements

As a business owner, you may have been approached by clients, suppliers, or partners who suggest making verbal agreements or understandings rather than using written contracts. While this may seem…

S-Corporation or LLC?

S-Corporation or LLC?

What Are They? An S-Corporation is a type of corporation eligible to be taxed under Subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code. This tax status allows the corporation to avoid…

Operating Agreement and LLC

Operating Agreement and LLC

What Is it? An operating agreement is a legal document that outlines the ownership and operating procedures of a Limited Liability Company (LLC). It typically includes information about the LLC’s…

Should I Be Concerned About Employee Agreements?

Should I Be Concerned About Employee Agreements?

The Stats During an economic downturn, employee lawsuits tend to increase because employees feel more vulnerable and seek legal action to protect their rights. According to a report by Seyfarth…

A Guide to Understanding Bylaws

A Guide to Understanding Bylaws

When you incorporate your business, you turn it into a legal entity separate from the individuals—yourself and your business partners—that started the company. Alongside incorporation, it can be highly useful…

A Guide to Trade Secrets

A Guide to Trade Secrets

There are several different types of intellectual property designed to protect your work and enforce your rights. Though the differences between each type can be confusing, understanding what each protection…


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